NOW Corporation Signs Video Games and Esports Conglomerate BrenPro Inc. — NOW Corporation

NOW Corporation Signs Video Games and Esports Conglomerate BrenPro Inc.

Saturday, October 5, 2019 – NOW Corporation, a publicly listed company in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE Ticker: NOW), is pleased to announce that it has signed BrenPro Inc. to a two-year Fiber Air service agreement.

BrenPro Inc., owned by businessman Bernard Chong, is the Philippines’ largest and most diversified conglomerate in the Video Games and esports industry. BrenPro Inc. currently owns the following esports and content creation subsidiary brands: Bren Esports, the Mobile Esports Arena (MESA), BrenPro TV, and NEXT Talents.

Access to NOW Corporation’s Fiber Air was installed in BrenPro’s state-of-the-art esports training facility located in its office headquarters in Makati City. It is Southeast Asia’s largest esports training complex, a showcase hub with an estimated budget of PHP 100 Million and a floor area size of 2,000 square meters, comparable with Team SoloMid’s 2,300 square meters training facility in Los Angeles. The facility is designed to accommodate for the following: Training areas for diversified esports genres such as Fighting Games, First Person Shooters (FPS), Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBAS), and Mobile MOBAs. The facility also includes several professional video production areas and professional live streaming areas for BrenPro TV’s social media influencers and talents, under the NEXT Talents brand. The training facility also contains several capsule-based resting areas, and various recreational areas, including an indoor gym.

The facility also serves as the official training grounds for the representatives of Team Philippines that will participate in the 2019 Overwatch World Cup.

In an official statement, BrenPro Inc. Chief Operating Officer Leo Andrew “Jab” Escutin posited a growing partnership between NOW and BrenPro. “What NOW did to win us over was to prioritize speed and customer experience to a bandwidth-intensive company like BrenPro Inc. While other ISP’s tried to offer their services to us, NOW’s quick activation of Fiber Air in less than 4 weeks solidified our confidence in their ability to deliver. We value partnerships that provide a premium, value added care to our needs. NOW’s first-class accommodation endeared their brand with BrenPro’s brand of excellence.”

“BrenPro Inc. is a firm proof of concept supportive of Philippine esports and video game content creation as a viable investment destination. We would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to BrenPro Inc. for entrusting us with their lifeblood. Internet connection is mission critical for BrenPro and NOW Corporation’s Fiber Air is more than capable and willing to answer the challenges of low latency and high capacity internet and provide the best service it can to improve and promote the Philippine esports industry. We are confident that our internet service will provide the competitive advantage that BrenPro is looking for.” NOW Corporation Deputy CEO Rodolfo Pantoja said.

Both BrenPro Inc. and NOW Corporation are confident of quickly ramping up the bandwidth requirement as BrenPro Inc. expands further into the gigabit speed era of guaranteed speed.


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